Westfield Croft -
We have a small breeding flock of short-tailed North Atlantic rare breed sheep including Boreray and Hebridean breeds and Icelandic sheep. Our yarns are spun from carefully selected fleeces, from our own flock and from neighbouring farms and smallholders. All our fleece raw materials have clear Scottish provenance, spinning is outsourced to hand spinners and UK based woollen mills to produce our 100% wool or alpaca yarns. We also produce hand woven rugs on a simple peg loom from minimally processed sheep’s fleece. We sell hand processed, hand spun yarns and hand woven rugs in our online shop.
We have rejuvenated willow and hazel coppices on our land and annually harvest rods for making baskets and willow structures. Our goal is to be as sustainable as possible in terms of food, fuel and enhancing the raw materials of wool and willow that we harvest from Westfield Croft.